Sunday, December 28, 2008

Smoking Tips would be a very short blog for me.

I do have a few tips however.

Call the company of "your brand." You can google their toll free phone number. Then ask for the freshness date code.

I use Kool, SL box. Its date code is on the end of the carton and usually signifies the date the butts were made.

The code is simple but I think they should just put an actual date on the cartons and packs and quit trying to trick us.

You might mention this when you call.

January is A, February is B etc. This is followed by the year. My last carton was K 8, November 2008.

Freshness is good. Your smoking might be more satisfying with fresh cigarettes. Its especially important with menthol's. If its more satisfying, you might smoke less, save a bit of ca$h and cough less too.

My second tip is a question. Do you REALLY like smoking and drinking at the same time? Just what beer goes with Camels? What wine is fine with Marlboro's? Do you like a cigar with your Claymore scotch? Etc.

I have found NO alcoholic beverage I can afford, namely cheap vodka and beer, tastes good with cigarettes. The alcohol confuses my nose and tongue when used together.

Here's what I do. I have a drink, then light up but drink coffee with the cigarette itself. You know how good that is in the morning.

I like my coffee syrupy sweet, sweeter than Cuban coffee even. I also add a generous amount of apple juice concentrate.

I take small sips and puff away. A cup of this might last me several days. I freeze it between smokes.

Kools and apple coffee. Followed by a beer or shot, the best of both worlds.

I don't know how this goes with any other brand. Maybe you have a special drink for yours. If so, do share it with us.

I used to smoke a pipe, Edwards Jamaican blend. This tasted very good with coffee and apricot liqueur. Maybe alcohol goes with the pipe tobacco.

If I had more money, I would have dozens of liquers and try them all. I might even buy some other cigarette brands.

So, those are my smoking tips.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

I Feel the Need, the Need to Feed

Most days food just isn't on the top of my to do list. For the 32+ oz. vodka days, I MIGHT eat half a sandwich and freeze the other half to dine on the next day.

Weeks and years of this.

Even in the previous 4 years of 22 oz. days, I would rarely have a whole meal in a day.

I did take vitamins and fish oil caps. In the last two years I added an extra B vitamin cap, silymarin from milk thistle and L-glutamine as I mentioned before.

More recently I added a good digestive enzyme.

I have noticed in the last two weeks that I have desired more food. I eat it in small meals 2-4 times a day. To be honest, I feel a bit better when I do this AND I am limiting booze a bit, 23-27 oz. a day rather than 32-45 as I have often found myself taking in the past years.

The meals are simple and small. A cup of cottage and fruit or navy beans is fast, cheap, satisfying and has plenty of protein, something drunks are often missing. There is plenty of fiber too.

No more of this going to a local pig out place at 11:30 AM and staying till 1 nonsense either, or 2 dozen of those annoying TinyBurgers, supersize fries, big shake and two hot apple pies.

No, just small meals.

I have found that I can eat enough to feel better, not have hunger pangs and still not lose my alcohol haze, my anesthetic.

Other simple meals include a cheese sandwich, make mine toasted; a slice of meatloaf by itself; a piece of chicken or pork also by itself and forget the gravy.

I also use raw nuts that I toast myself in the microwave.

A small apple and a cup of buttermilk.

Low fat milk and crackers are around for when I don't feel like eating but feel like I should eat.

Those pesky hunger pangs need something to make them go away.

So that is it for now. The need to feed.


Friday, December 26, 2008

A Better Drunk Day

Yesterday was a better drunk day. There were no internal pains and the amount of alcohol was just right. I began to wonder if pot was as good as I recalled.

DNK, but I would like the choice.

Vote to legalize pot!!!

I wish I could duplicate better drunk days. Maybe it was the good meal I had just after waking. Maybe I just lucked into the right amount of booze. Maybe it was simply that the depression was in an up cycle. Maybe it was all of these.

Nothing else to say for now.


Monday, December 22, 2008

Stomach pains or hunger pangs?

One cannot be a better drunk if one is in pain all the time. Stomach pain is the topic here.

I tried antacids, even acid inhibitors like pretendix etc. The latter caused untold waiting on the commode and the former often did not work.

However. I often forget to eat. I forget other things too.

Since I began drinking I would always blame the alcohol when my stomach hurt. Never forget that alcohol is an excellent solvent.

My reaction to stomach pain is, "Hmm, acid. I will take an antacid." I use baking soda since its so fast. I also take some potassium gluconate to balance the salt. This is MY experiment, not yours, so beware.

Several weeks ago I began reading up on stomach pain and found lots of information on hunger pangs which are not influenced by antacids.

Now I just eat food and the pain of the pangs goes away quickly. I use a low fat cottage which digests faster than, say, 3 three large cheeseburgers and fries. A half cup is fine and I don't wash this down with a pint of beer.

I let my protein snack digest for half an hour and see if the pain of pangs goes away.

I now have another tool to be a better drunk and I can get back to drinking, pain free.

I eat a good meal later on.

Don't forget to eat. Food is good for you.

I have spirits for the next round or two so as to not dilute my snack.

I think all bars should serve cottage rather than having bicarb tabs.


Most Private

What is the very most private thing anyone does? I think its picking ones nose. I am positive everyone in the world does this but few do it in public or even around ones family, companions, buds etc.

What does this have to do with being a better drunk? NAFT, not a fucking thing, but the topic didn't fit my other blogs.

Here's what I do. I make sure my nails are trimmed. Then I wash my hands and pick away. Often I stand at the sink so there is a good place to flick the boogers.

Back to this blog. Next time someone criticizes you for being a drunk or tries to put you down, or you think they think they are better than you, just imagine them picking away too, maybe in the nude, maybe in your favorite bar or at the opera.

That should set your mind in order and hey, fuck them anyway.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Taxing Drunks

Have you noticed how much tax is added to booze, beer and wine? Cigarettes too.

All the religionists in government, most of the politicians ARE admitted religionists of course, feel perfectly justified in burying us in so-called sin taxes.

Sin is big for religionists. They are born in sin. Continue in it. Confess it in some churches, and are forgiven to sin again.

Anyway. These religionists lay heavy tax burdens on drunks as we all know. BUT, do they put ALL this tax into drug and alcohol treatment research and treatment programs? Or even most of it? No.

They prefer the hundreds of millions of dollars in pork barrel projects to helping addicts. Roads that go no where like in Louisiana, that dead end at a the beginning of an unbuilt bridge, keeping military installations open that only benefit their constituents, NOBODY else, etc.

The religionist politicians TAKE the tax money, look down their noses at who is paying it, waste the money on foolishness and ignore drunks and other addicts and the dual diagnosed among us.

This is unfair and should stop NOW. Either lower the taxes on alcohol and cigarettes to the same paid on food OR spend most of the tax on figuring out how to help us and at the same time offer treatment for us in state of the art facilities.

Guess what? The tax we drunks pay is supporting much of the government. We are an easy target for tax.

Also, being overweight is a huge burden on our health system. Perhaps weight problems cause about as much of a personal burden on personal health and health costs as being drunk.

BUT, is the government over taxing places that supersize? Do they over tax those all you can eat restaurants around the country? You know what I am talking about.

Heck, there is even a show on a food channel where the host pigs out every episode. One time he ate a 72 ounce steak in just over half an hour.

AND what about the professional eating contests. Drunks and our taxes are paying for the increased health burdens this overeating craze is causing. Is this fair?

Don't these places deserve to be overtaxed for the health cost burden their practices cause?

If atheists got into power, wouldn't those crystal palace churches have to pay their fair share of taxes too and their pastors and not over burden just us drunks?

Religionists will likely shoot me soon but I have had my say.


Google this " cheers in other languages " for LOTS more ways to say to your health or the like while drinking or eating.

And while I am ranting about tax, why not legalize pot and tax it too?

Think how much money would be saved. Far fewer prison cells would be needed. Court costs would plummet and the over burdened, hardworking police could go after criminals who actually damage society, not the ones who don't.

Dual Diagnosis Anyone?

I wonder just how many of us drunks also suffer with some brain disorder / mental illness, what percent? I will say about 40 % but its a guess.

Very few places that detox drunks and purport to rehab us even consider how their typically poor success rates coincide with them not treating the mental illness aspect.

Treatment programs just for addicts are co$tly indeed. Few poor drunks have a shot at a good one.

FAR fewer places offer a program for dual diagnosis clients and far fewer still have any success with these clients.

A brief aside, criminals probably go in and out of prison with better success in recidivism rates.

I called around the country for treatment costs. Typically a two month program that includes detox runs about $60,000 though if you check out the websites when you input dual diagnosis treatment center on google, few of the sites list their fees.

Hmm. Maybe they can instantaneously check your bank account when you call?

This does not include travel, after care apartments, more time etc. nor does it cover loss of income.

No mention is made on the sites about how your family will treat you after your treatment. They may not care by this time.

AND, what if the center you attend does detox you, has some success with alcohol or drug rehab as well but the mental health part, typically depression like I have, is a complete failure? Isn't falling back into drinking highly likely even with AA or day treatment?

I have thought further about this. With fund$, read a big lottery win, I would first get my blood chelated after a week of detox. Then I would seek out rTMS for the depression. Then I would go back to the treatment center for a month or more of rehab.

Total cost, about $125,000.

Till I have this amount, maybe another $50,000 for other new therapies, I am stuck with being a better drunk.

Its sad.


Pot, or not.

I am hoping to one day have a blog, . The the self-sanctified religionists keep this from happening here in the US.

I may need to move to Holland and I will if I win the lottery one day soon. Otherwise, someone else can do it.

A Drinking Mystery

Have you ever noticed that on some days, drinking more and more has little or no effect on your "buzz" or whatever you call it?

I have. I drink more, nothing happens. I drink more, nothing happens, except I forget how much I have drunk and pay later with a headache or even a small hangover, rare for us dedicated drunks.


Try this next time you observe more is not more. Fuggit about it, for now. Go out for as nice a meal as you can afford or make one at home. If you go out, let someone else drive, take a cab, walk or take the bus.

MAYBE have a small glass of wine, a light beer or a weak highball with your meal, not more than an ounce of booze per hour. Let the food digest, and a digestive enzyme can help.

Later, try again. You never know, it might work.


Friday, December 19, 2008

Internet "Dating" Whilst DAU

You are DAU, drunk as usual, alone at home. Too drunk to even find, let alone drive to a local pub for barflies, you know, like the song, Third Rate Romance.

Aha!!!, you think, I will put some profiles on Internet dating sites. Lots of folks do, one or two find love, several find lust. Most keep drinking alone at home after some very long and ultimately useless communications.

Anyway, you google internet dating sites. There are 4,600,000 hits. Hmm. That is a lot of forms to fill out.

You check out the top hits. YIKES. Some want serious cash. Some have tests.

These tests take a long time. More booze is needed.

Now none of these sites ever came through for me. [ A side note: I failed the test at eHarmony. I wasn't good enough for their clientèle I suppose. ] I am older, DAU, poor and have depression. Maybe that didn't help.

I never lied on these tests. I mean really. You lie, the other lies and who are you writing to, some pimply teen? Some ancient crone with no teeth and rancid breath? A chimp with a laptop?

Are these people in your own country even? Are they the sex you are shooting for? Are they in jail? Maybe they belong to one the thousands of scam groups from Russia, Nigeria etc.?

Maybe you spring for one of the top 4 listed at my favorite consumer site: . Just type in online dating , then Full Report. Plenty of well considered choices.

BTW, I REALLY like .

After a few more drinks, a Camel you tore the filter from and a good pee, you fill in the forms on one or two if you have fund$. If not, on the left are some free sites to consider.

LOTS of questions. You are DAU. It MIGHT be best to complete the forms when you are less drunk OR just have another shot of Early Times.

After you fill the forms in, or is it out?, you can search for your long awaited companion. GL with that. I had none of course.

Next, you might be able to chat with members who are online. This is a nightmare, DAU or anytime but you can try. Let me know how this works.

Do take some time with all the form, especially the headline. Arcane references to unknown poets, rock bands and the like might not work.

Probably its best to not mention your "bits" just yet.

Er, this is as far as I ever got. A few notes to and from me led no where. Some do find a companion. Most, I think, are just spinning their wheels but one never can tell, and you are DAU.

Do be careful. Practice Safe Internetting [ always have your firewall and virus scanner up to date ] , wear condoms when needed AND dental dams.

Also, seriously ponder this. If you find a companion or more and take to webcamming, au natural, you could find yourself on YouTube or worse.

Overall, and for the time and money spent, you might have done better with barflies.

Take a cab though.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chocolate Notes, a former addiction

I posted this in Days are Like Nightmares too.

OK, chocolate is good, I admit it. At one time I thought it would be a great job being a chocolate tester. “Now let’s see. This # 1 here is a very good chocolate. Number 2 is good too. I like # 3 a lot and it is about as good as 2. Four is excellent but so is 1. Five is especially good and tastes a lot like 3 which was good like 2.”

I didn’t get a job but I did get full.

Have you noticed that even if you stop eating chocolate you don’t lose weight? Lack of chocolate is not a diet, per se. Eating too much will usually make your pants shrink but not eating chocolate is not a diet in itself.

This presents some insurmountable problems for many very nice people, among which I am one.

Also there is etiquette to consider. Like which wine would you serve with chocolate truffles? If there is white chocolate would you serve a light wine? Would burgundy go with brownies? Would you have sherry with chocolate cake? If you serve chocolate bourbon balls is that with ice? Chocolate can be quite confusing for the up-to-date host or hostess.

And how about chocolate pudding? If you make that with whole milk and pretended there was no sugar, is that enough for dinner? What fruit might complement the pudding if it were? Strawberries come to mind frequently when I ponder this problem which I often do.

Now some folks try to substitute things for chocolate. Carob is often sold to trick people. HA, I say. Don’t be fooled. Its nasty at best and if you ARE ignoring the sugar you might as well ignore it in REAL chocolate as in some mealy substitute.

Another substitute for chocolate is beer. Southern Comfort. Early Times etc. I have now adopted these and no longer abuse chocolate.

Another supposed substitute for chocolate is love.

Hmmmmmmmmm. Well, its like the first paragraph. They are both good. Are you then unfaithful to your mate if you eat chocolate? Or to chocolate if you have a mate? Is it bigamy in either case?

Well, there is lots to think about with chocolate and I won’t finish it all in one note. There will be more chocolate notes and I thank you for your patience. The next note may be from Hershey, Pennsylvania. I am considering a move.

PS If you eat too much dark chocolate, Fiber Will Make You Free is a handy post to heed. They don't call milk chocolate, baby chocolate, for nothing.

Copyright 2008 by Robin Hall

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bartending school and actually tending bar.

We learned these things in bartending school: how to make drinks and how to free pour. We did not learn how to dance or throw bottles around and make lots of ca$h. It was 1971.

WTF kind of job is this for a drunk? I wasn't always a drunk however. I wasn't then. Still...

The first day on the first job was enlightening. Everything was filthy. I cleaned the entire bar. It took 3 days.

About halfway through the first shift, I decided I deserved a stiff whiskey sour in one of the newly cleaned shakers.

About halfway through the first shift, I decided I deserved a stiff whiskey sour in one of the newly cleaned shakers.

About halfway through the first shift, I decided I deserved a stiff whiskey sour in one of the newly cleaned shakers.

Er. It WAS a stiff drink, on an empty stomach. I could not make change properly for over an hour and I NEVER had another drink while on duty or before my shift.

Life, in the stupid lane.

Don't drink and drive.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Today, being DAU, drunk as usual, I slept from 7 AM till 11 AM. Not good for me. Its certainly not sociable. I leave my phone ringer and answering machine off. My room is dark.

I sort of woke up then and got drunk as usual. I collected my TV shows on a tv guide site and entered my sweepstakes, as usual.

Later, I slept from 3:30 till 5:30. Also not good for me but I take sleep when I can or don't have a choice, read, I passed out, but maybe it was just plain sleep at another odd hour.

I bothered no one. I never do. I collected mail. I watched TV and drank, as usual.

There is SOME pattern here that I am incapable of sussing.


Beer is good. Plus, throwing a cheaper party.

Most days I like beer. I especially like it almost frozen. I get to burp a lot. Its festive. I cannot afford champagne so I can't compare the burps. Maybe someday.

In the meanwhile.

Have you noticed that after a few drinks, most beers, spirits and wines, begin to taste the same OR that taste doesn't matter, AT ALL? I have.

Say you are throwing a party and want to save some $. Try this: first round of beer, its: Heineken, Grolsch or one of the fine visitings from like Vienna Orangey if you must really show off or Biere de Garde .

Spirit wise, its Caol Ila, Cadenhead bottling for scotch. Jack Daniel's Single Barrel. Zyr vodka etc.

Wines? Er, MD 20-20? Fuggit about it.

Second round. In beer its Michelob. Dewars or Teachers scotch. Early Times sour mash. Rain vodka.

Next round? Who the fuck cares OR knows?

Just switch the labels if you are really cheap. Natural Ice beer, Claymore Scotch, which you could easily toss in to fool most Dewars' fans in round 2 and for vodka: drink the Absolut yourself and pour into its bottle whatever is on sale like Heaven Hill, may this distiller rot in hell.

Life may not be good for most drunks, but it can be cheaper.



If you have any tips on how to be a better drunk, do share them. TY.

I doubt any of us really want to BE drunks for lots of reasons: we end up in strange beds, prisons, hospitals. We find ourselves in strange states, maybe in the woods or beside some unknown highway, maybe in another country or worse.

We are drunks for now. Maybe one day we will quit. For many of us, its the day we die.

I have tip in the meanwhile. Try to stop drinking at least 2 hours before sleep. I know I sleep better when I do. Resume drinking when you wake up.

Sleep is good.

Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Saturday, December 13, 2008



Beer for breakfast,
Scotch for lunch.
I don't even miss things
That go crunch.

Wine for dinner
Is is de riguer
Vodka for snacks
Keeps me on track for sure.

I wish marijuanna
Was legal right now.
Its a damn site better
I miss it and how.

© 2008 by Robin Hall

How to drink less for a while.

This entry is not about cutting out booze: beer, wine, spirits etc. No, its about cutting down when you need to.

I have never had a decent job due to the depression, from age 18, and I know its different when you have a family, work and drink so you will have to figure those parts out for yourself.

I drink so much, according to the rule of the body being able to process one drink, defined as 1.5 oz. of 80 proof spirits, per hour that at a quart a day I am never really sober, never legal to drive but I MUST drive to the store every few weeks.

[ Again, the way I drink may be different from you and you have to set your own rules about this. With no job, no family I am pretty much free to do what I want. Its this: I drink about 2 oz. per waking hour and I record this amount. I sleep about 5-6 hours a day. ]

What I do is cut down the hourly drink to half for 3 hours before bedtime then go out to stores when I wake up. At least there is a chance of passing a breath test. I don't drink before shopping.

I shop, come home and drink again as usual.

But what if you have to drive further, maybe to the VA clinic 50 miles away, maybe a 4 hour wait at the clinic, then drive back?

Its VERY TRICKY being away from alcohol that long as all of you know from the temporary withdrawals we can suffer.

What I do is about the same for these longer trips. Make the appointments for soon after waking. Don't drink and drive, just drive BUT take 3 or so oz. of a clear spirit and a bottle of water, just in case. Try NOT to use any of this while out. Grit your teeth, man up, woman up, whatever.

Still...If I know how long I am to be at whatever appointment, I MIGHT if I need to, have an oz. of spirits when I arrive. If I am to be longer than planned I MIGHT go back to the car for another oz.

After the appointment I put the bottle in the trunk and grin and bear it till I am back home, then get I get drunk as usual, but I don't drink and drive, ever.

Its always best not to drink at all when out like this but I take the bottle, JIC.

Well, that is all I can offer on this part of the note.

From time to time, I do cut down for a day or two. I know many of you drink more than I do. My amount of a quart of spirits a day [ I include beer in this. I drink an ice beer, 5.9% alcohol and count that as 2 oz. of spirits ] is very hard on the body. More is harder. Do dah. Being off spirits is also hard on the body.

Maybe I need to be less drunk once a month to balance my checkbook though.

So when I need to be clearer, I don't go cold turkey, I just toss down 1 oz. an hour and if I need to be clearer still, I quit two hours before my task.

I finish the task, return to the normal amount and maybe have an extra snort to reward myself for tending to my life.

Isn't this stupid?

I do the best I can to be a better drunk and that is all I can do most of the time.

R U a Bad Drunk?

Get in fights? Ruin relationships? End up in jail or some low rent hospital? Maybe its time to step back. Don't go to those favorite bars. Stay away from those friends that get you in trouble.

If you have the funds, take a vacation. If not, drink at home for a while. Stock up on some movies, take walks, take the bus, see the sights of your own city.

Think about your behavior. Can you change the way you interact and still be drunk?

Or maybe its time to quit. With plenty of funds, there are a few good hospitals that specialize in detoxing you and have rehabilitation programs too.

SOME vets can get detoxed at a local VA. Few VA hospitals offer rehab however.

What if you also have a brain disorder like depression, ptsd or schizophrenia though? A dual diagnosis program is hard to find but they are out there, if you have the funds. No VA I have found offers dual diagnosis rehab.

What if you are poor, like me and have depression? Essentially we poor drunks are TFU. I have heard of one place that MIGHT take Medicare, one in the whole country.

All the time that is lost from work due to our illnesses and addictions, all the money spent on political pork projects or stolen by the government to give to the HUGE companies because their upper management mismanaged money, took their outrageous salaries and are now getting bailed out AND still getting their salaries... and only one dual diagnosis place in the whole country that MIGHT take someone with Medicare and no place in the country where us poor folks can go who don't even have Medicare.

Bail out big business, continue to heap piles of cash on top management of those failing companies and don't even offer the poor and lower income folks a chance out of an addiction, help with depression and the like and a chance to return to a normal or at least better life.

Imagine. The land of opportunity, for the rich. The land of desperation for the poor and disabled.

Imagine. The American dream, for the rich. The American nightmare for the poor and it keeps getting worse.

For now, I just drink at home, enter sweepstakes to win money to have a better life. All I can do for now is be a better drunk, stay out of jail, not bother people, exist.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Do you ever get REALLY hungry after drinking a while?

I do too. A good solution is low fat cottage cheese. It has what we need: protein. I recommend it over one of those pig out places with 4 pound burgers or steaks, 2 pounds of chili fries, rolls or biscuits and a tiny salad.

You will thank me for this.

Later on, have a complete meal, a good multi-vitamin, extra B vitamins and you might thank me again.

Gimme a White, please, my way.

Here's a holiday drink I developed when in bartending school. I do NOT like adding ice to drinks, they are much tastier my way:

Mix the ingredients in a thick Manhattan glass which you rim with the creme de menth or just use a pitcher:

1.5 oz. clear tequila
.5 oz. clear creme de menthe, add more to taste

Put the glass in the freezer for an hour, or more, since it won't likely freeze, ever.

Use green creme de menthe and call it Christmas in Mexico.

Tell'em Robin sent you.

Happy holidays...

What if you drink too much?

Suck it up and be patient. Only TIME will see you through this. Patience is a must.

For myself, I drink alone at home and I record all drinks on my calendar. If I do drink too much, I have a visual record, since I have NO memory, and can cut down for the next few hours or abstain.

Its the best I can do.

PS, wtf? I googled this and its very hard to prove it means another note follows.

Anyway, I was just now enjoying being drunk. This is not always the case. The amount I had was exact but I wanted to have a bit more and not destroy the buzz. I had only 1 extra oz. and a sip of beer.

This worked. I am going to have a potassium capsule since my eyes are beginning to bulge a bit.

If there are any readers, who are medicos, could you explain why having potassium helps here?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

There are some things you might consider.

I am NOT a doctor, never played one on TV etc. When I noticed some of the problems I was experiencing when I first began drinking, I turned to Google for answers.

I suggest you do the same. You have a stomach pain, read up on it, google it. Blackouts, google that.

Here is how I get info from google. I put whatever the term is on the search line. I add another term and see what shows up.

So, searching for blackouts, I would write this at google: alcoholic blackouts . There is no need to add and or anything else.

Diarrhea, just type: alcohol diarrhea . If you misspell words, google helps you.

If you google some other tips, please share them with us.

These are some things I got answers for at Google:

Eat a good meal daily. Take vitamins, especially a B vitamin complex along with your usual multi-vitamin.

Vitamin C can be useful. I use powdered calcium ascorbate since ascorbic acid really HURTS my stomach. Also, juices preserved with ascorbic acid hurt. I still drink some juice and follow it with 1/4 tsp. baking soda and 100 mg. potassium gluconate to balance the sodium in the baking soda.

L-glutamine might help heal your intestines and silymarin in milk weed thistle might help your liver.

Drink plenty of water. Pee a lot. In the best of circumstances, we likely need 10-12 oz. of water to process an ounce of 80 proof spirits.

This suggests a beer STILL needs to be followed by 2-4 ounces of water.

This suggests that those amateur drinkers, the ones with hangovers and a terrible thirst should not have drunk so much alcohol AND they should have drunk more water. And, well, they should not have drunk at all.

Drunks need to pay attention to this too.

Beer is not water, per se.

Smoking may cause you to drink more. My brand, Kool XL box, well I am highly suspicious of all the ammonia smells in them. And I do drink more...

Drink at regular intervals NOT all at once. I do 2 ounces of vodka an hour plus half an beer unless I am too drunk, then its down to 1 ounce of vodka and a sip of beer.

Sometimes its down to a sip of beer and I have to stop that at times.

Many of the pain killers can kill you if you drink a lot and use them too.

Sleep is good. Try for it. There is plenty of time to drink later.

Coffee will NOT make you un-drunk. Nothing but time will do this.

Coffee may make you somewhat more alert. The problem is you are NOT un-drunk but may think you are. Coffee lies.

Speed lies and kills.

Heroin, fuggit about it.

Cocaine really lies. Cocaine's products: are you sure you want to be a crack head?

Alcohol is cheaper and pretty legal. Stick to booze. Its enough trouble.

If you have other things to add here, please do.

Drunk 2, A Follow Up to Tak

I stand here at the commode dripping and flowing from 4 of 5 orifices.
Drunk once more, wondering why I go on.

What I say is hurtful to most. What I feel is hurtful to me. Pain. Confusion.

Time creeps. More drinks. Cheap Scotch, vodka and beer, very cheap. The effect is the same as the "good stuff." Not as tasty or fun perhaps but the same.

My hope, life, love is 12 time zones away with no rational hope of future contact.

I pine, drink and am here once more.

Then she left me for good.

I am still drunk and glad she did leave.

Drinking Alone

I am poor. Drinking alone is affordable. Plus, there are no bars in the tiny, drab National Cornbread Festival town I live in.

I get the cheapest vodka in the large plastic bottles by the case.

I buy one of those ice beers, the 5.9% sort, by the case.

I drink a lot of each.

Its lonely, its affordable.

End of post.


I think that means so in Russian. I began my current drinking in Tomsk, yes Siberia. I had gone there to meet someone. Sure, that will work.

I went to an excellent party. In the US, no one invites me but there I was almost a celebrity for some reason. Literally, few at the party of 10 had ever met an American. Tomsk was seriously verboten just a few years ago. Almost as verboten as Novosibirsk where those naughty KGB agents were trained.

Anyway. It was Galina's birthday party. My so-called friend took me. Well, in that part of Russia, when its your birthday party YOU do the cooking. LOTS of suspiciously preserved foods etc. since preparations had begun days earlier.

It was a lively gathering of friends, vodka, some local beer, I think it was beer.

One of the drinks was: you slick a glass with water and rim it with ground coffee. The glass was just filled with vodka. I am sure it was highly appreciated in absence of more complex spirits and drinks And vodka was VERY affordable.

One drink led to another. Food, music and dancing. One banker asked me, in pretty good English, if I would dance with his wife, while he danced / groped another woman.

Hmm. His wife was extremely attractive.

More drinks. It was a really fine party, among the 7 total I have been invited to.

More drinking. I actually danced. My so-called friend had to catch the last tram to her place. I stayed.

More drinking. I was having a good time. The hostess Galina and I danced. I fell in lust, and completed this the next day. She was truly beautiful and I would have liked to stay but my time there was up.

I began drinking at a party half way across the world. I liked it. I continued.

I have not been to a party since then. I hope sometime I get to go to more.

Now, I drink alone, which is the next entry.

About me, what happened, and

Briefly, I am 63. Hi, I'm Robin and I am a drunk. Silence. I hated those meetings so I am a drunk, not an alcoholic.

The first time I got drunk I almost died. My buddy Duke got booze and two girls. We were on the way to a party.

We were all 17 or maybe 19, I don't recall. Duke was huge and no one refused him service, ever. He was smoking 2 packs of Picayunes a day. Yes, we lived in Louisiana.

I told Duke I didn't know how to drink. He said, you get your favorite soft drink and pour in the booze, so we stopped at a local dairy bar. The others got Coke, I got a very large Dr. Pepper. The booze was Old Crow.

Silly me. I was off to a VERY bad start.

[ Hmm. I wonder if any sort of liquor / liquer goes well or good? with Dr. Pepper? Do any recipes come to mind?

An aside. I finished the Bartending School of Dallas in 1971 and tended bar for a while. I didn't like the band at the bar. They "covered" the band Chicago's songs exclusively. I got headaches from the noise.

Recipes are part of my life so I will imagine a recipe here. Just for fun, how about Tia Maria and Dr. Pepper? I actually had a recipe published in a Southern Comfort brochure about that time. ]

The party was probably fun. We all left and visited a local restaurant in Hammond for coffee, which I still did not drink.

I told Duke I was feeling poorly. We walked around the block and I sat on the steps of a local dentist. I was paralyzed, alcohol poisoning.

Duke said he was going to call my grandfather. I moaned, NOOOOOOO. We sat there long enough for feeling to return to my limbs. I got home somehow and never saw any of them again.

I remember other early troubles with alcohol. One night I was with so-called friends. We were drinking wine. It turned out I was the only one drinking this gallon of Gallo rotgut. Most of it was gone. I was still in college, around 1972. I "left" the wine outside in front of my car and don't recall how I got home.

Around that time, I visited a local bar, alone. I was slipped a Mickey / Mickey Finn for those of you old enough, and this was long before today's silly drugs.

I have a homing instinct and got to my car, weaved my way home and crawled into the house. My grandpa called the doc. He pronounced me drugged. I slept a while. No one ever mentioned this again.

Not much drinking since these episodes till about 9 years ago when the slide began. Beer a six pack at a time. Then a case. Then a bottle of vodka, then a case, then a case of the 1.75 liter size. Now both vodka and beer.

I am very poor. I buy the cheapest vodka and Natural Ice, the very best dollar value, alcohol wise, of beer I know of.

That is me, now. A poor drunk.

About a quart of alcohol a day or more is too much but I exceed this amount several times a week. I have slightly more focused days at around 22 oz. of booze.

Less than this amount I cannot sustain more than a day or two in a row.

So, that is my alcohol story in brief. Feel free to post your story. No one judges here.

Continuation of Description

By this blog title, I mean how to save money: drinking better for less; what incredible drinks you have had: recipes; what interesting times you had being drunk; what safety measures to take while drinking in public or private; what sort of tips we might share about eating and drinking; how to keep the buzz going longer; problems in being a drunk, maybe questions to others on how to fix these sorts of things: health problems, social problems etc.; drinking alone at home vs drinking in public houses or parties and much more.

This blog is NOT intended to encourage drinking in any way. Alcohol is such a damaging drug and so much more powerful than anyone but us drunks really know. However, we are drunks, addicts.

Still, we can live better lives in this by sharing life tips. Maybe some will stop drinking. Who knows?

My first suggestion is don't ever BEGIN drinking if you have not had your first drink. MANY drink recipes can be enjoyed, to some extent, without the booze.

My second suggestion is NEVER DRIVE DRUNK or drink while driving. "You might hit a bump and spill the whole thing." Or you might end up in jail. Take a fucking taxi.

This blog is also NOT intended as a slap in the face to recovering alcoholics, many of whom are in 12 step programs. I suggest NO 12 step program adherent reads this blog.

Maybe we can share funny drinking toasts, the company of other drunks without the usual social prejudices or condemnations and raise our voice in favor of lower alcohol taxes.

Perhaps one day a good treatment will be presented. One that removes alcohol from my life. No thinking about drinking, no meetings. That day will be my last posting here and I will tell you about this treatment. Till then may we all be better drunks.


I was going to put an Irish word here but I can't find the spelling, something like slantia.

I WILL moderate postings and I am NOT interested in various religionists comments. They will be deleted. This is for drunks, not the misguided who believe no one should have fun, or choices as they see it.